Creation of my drift wood coat hooks

I made this coat hanger a while back now but ive only just got around to posting a few pictures up 🙂 it took a while to find the right piece of driftwood but i think this is just right.



Im happy with the outcome. I cut the back of the driftwood with a circular saw to create a nice flat back so it sits tight to the wall. Underneath the two outside hooks are the holes to screw the driftwood to the wall. When it was all tightly screwed to the wall i then replaced the outer two hooks.

My latest idea was just basically to use up some hooks i had laid around. I don’t think it has quite the same style to it but in the right place i think it would look well.



Back in time.

Today me and the girl went to Beamish open air museam. The last time i was there i think i was about 10 things seem to of changed quite a bit since then. It wasn’t to bad weatherwise just a mid morning shower!

This was our first and last sensible selfie of the day! Here come the mongs!


Its all fun and games 🙂 lol
Its was out of peak times at Beamish so it was only £8.75 entry pp wich i think was reasonable! Im afraid same cant be said for the food! We had a cuppa tea, bottle of beer , 2 beef stotties a scone and wedge of granite (some rancid carrot cake ) and it came to £21.00 which in my tight Yorkshire eyes was ruddy rediculous!
Whilst there i thought i would try a few camera effects out to see how tyey panned out 🙂 here they are cc welcome…

