Creation of my drift wood coat hooks

I made this coat hanger a while back now but ive only just got around to posting a few pictures up 🙂 it took a while to find the right piece of driftwood but i think this is just right.



Im happy with the outcome. I cut the back of the driftwood with a circular saw to create a nice flat back so it sits tight to the wall. Underneath the two outside hooks are the holes to screw the driftwood to the wall. When it was all tightly screwed to the wall i then replaced the outer two hooks.

My latest idea was just basically to use up some hooks i had laid around. I don’t think it has quite the same style to it but in the right place i think it would look well.



Off to York part 2

Soon as we got to York it was defiantly time for a costa/starbucks. I decided on a mocha bacon and sausage bun and a choc brownie 🙂 rhiannon opted for a bacon bun tea and a choc brownie. It all tasted pretty awesome even though they mongs behind the counter forgot to set the timer on the bacon buns so it was a wee bit chrispy! Lol it still tasted the part though 🙂 i have one reservation about costa and in my eyes its quite a big one. Turns out anybody with larger hands than an infant finds it hard to drink a hot beverage without cuddling your cup like its -20* heres the issue i had today!

So its now 8:14 pm and today has been eventful! Well sort of lol we went to the jorvick vicking centre, its was actually pretty cool. You had to sit on a carrage that took you round various situations that would of occured in the thimes of the vikings! We got to see how they lived and worked. Was very interesting when you compare it to today. One of the life sized figures looked remarkably like Bruce Willis.

Anyhow we did a bit of shopping round york its self. I was lacking enthusiasm to say the least :/ my grumpyness annoyed/upset the girlfriend and for that im sorry 😦 i think i needed a good shake :/ im sat here writing this as she has gone to see her welsh family who are leaving for home tomorrow and im missing her all ready 😦 …….. Wooow wooow get the violins out! Haha here is a link to her blog if any of you guys fancy a read Rhiannons Blog
So thats been my day today 🙂 lets see what goes on tomorrow 🙂

Off to york!

The day began by getting up at 7:15 we decides to set off about 8:30 so we had loads of time to get ready! Or not! So a nice cuppa tea int sack was called for! Turns out due to piss farting about all morning we have just set off (9:14) and we are now on the parkway! I decided that nature would call several times this morning 1 of which was a dry run :/ i had a phone to pack and send to mazuma which was of course urgent! rhiannon ‘had’ to tidy her car and i needed to be there for moral support :/ we set off and forgot tickets to the jorvick centre then we needed fuel :/ now we are starving! On the hunt for some form of nourishment at this point in time ! Lets see what today brings!
