Back in time.

Today me and the girl went to Beamish open air museam. The last time i was there i think i was about 10 things seem to of changed quite a bit since then. It wasn’t to bad weatherwise just a mid morning shower!

This was our first and last sensible selfie of the day! Here come the mongs!


Its all fun and games 🙂 lol
Its was out of peak times at Beamish so it was only £8.75 entry pp wich i think was reasonable! Im afraid same cant be said for the food! We had a cuppa tea, bottle of beer , 2 beef stotties a scone and wedge of granite (some rancid carrot cake ) and it came to £21.00 which in my tight Yorkshire eyes was ruddy rediculous!
Whilst there i thought i would try a few camera effects out to see how tyey panned out 🙂 here they are cc welcome…



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