Day at Newcastle :)

So today me and the loved one went to Newcastle film and comic convention at the metro radio arena. Yea I decided to unearth my geeky side and dragged Rhiannon along to witness it :p.

It was good but not brilliant the ‘famous guests’ were about as famous as that carpet designer from Budapest, yea so not famous at all! Or at least not to us haha. I’m maybe not as geeky as I first thought. The one thing I did fancy purchasing was a signed print of 300 film star Gerard Butler. At a mere £150 sheets I opted against the idea lol. There was some cool outfits and some totally outrageous ones. My favourite spectical was a camero from the transformers films, bumblebee.



After geek con! We rolled up our sleeves and hit the centre for life museum! Haha only because the was massive Lego City there! The place was riddled with small children. But other than that I was quite impressed with the effort that went into the Lego City 🙂


After science club we went round Newcastle centre I got dragged into every possible shop haha it was red hot! So primark is renown for being cheap and I would tend to agree so after much deliberation as to what basket to select Rhiannon decides on the one with the squeekyest wheels 🙂 at least I knew where she was. Anyhoo she sets off on her travels around primark filling the squeaky basket with all sorts of unrelated crap. I think her thoughts were the more she puts in it may deaden the squeak. About 1hour into the shop she decides she doesn’t want a single item and wants to go to demenhams and just abandon the primark shopping. I’m not one for chundering on but I was happy to eventually see the car and head off home 🙂
And that was my day in Newcastle

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